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a hunting jacket造句

"a hunting jacket"是什么意思  
  • The jacket Jason wears in the film was created by combining a hunting jacket and a military jacket.
  • It was recovered from the porch in a hunting jacket, contained in a pill bottle wrapped in tape,
  • He wore a hunting jacket and golf shoes and most of the European competitors wouldn't even speak to him.
  • But jacket-master Karl Lagerfeld in his several collections did everything-particularly remarkable at Chanel and his own label, KL, where his winner was lean and had a lot of pockets like a hunting jacket.
  • It's difficult to see a hunting jacket in a sentence. 用a hunting jacket造句挺难的
如何用a hunting jacket造句,用a hunting jacket造句a hunting jacket in a sentence, 用a hunting jacket造句和a hunting jacket的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。